Lucky for you guys I just cleaned up my room!! WOO! I might have know that today was the day where I show you my room, but I really was going to clean it today anyways. It's not spotless either. But here are a few pics of my room. Enjoy the feast your eyes are about to have...
My desk. Yep, dr pepper is there.
My closet. Beautiful.
The quotes and stuff on my wall. The fan is from Japan, and there are various notes I have received from people that I want to keep. They make me feel great!
And lastly, my bed. All made. Also my hamper, fan, purse/scarf on top of my bed.
Also, little mini blog, tonight I went with my family to Chuck-a-rama for Erika's birthday dinner! Her birthday is actually tomorrow, but we did it tonight. Sad that I will be missing the cake tomorrow because I have work, but happy birthday Erika! You are going to be the worlds best 17 year old. But for now, you are the worlds best 16 year old :) I love you! I can't wait to be home over Christmas break to be with my fam. So close!