Friday, August 24, 2012

Welcome to my Crib!

My bedroom is FINALLY unpacked and ready to go. So I thought I would show you all the beauty...

Here is my bed. Thanks to my mom for finishing my quilt for me the morning I moved out!! Haha, I have been working on this quilt for over a year now, and now it is complete. What do you think? I'm sure it would have looked better in my room at home because it had blue walls.

This right here is my "photo collage". The center picture is the Oquirrh Mountain temple. I chose that one because that is where I want to get married. It is a beautiful temple. The other large ones are framed fabric. The smaller pictues are other inspiring pictures including the Timpanogos temple and the first vision.

This is our desk (me and Rosie) It might not look super clean, but it really is. The picture makes it look awful. My side is the right one. I must have too much stuff.

This is our over the door shoe organizer. You'll notice that my shoes (the bottom half) have less shoes. This is because they keep fallig off :'(

Horrible picture, but this is my closet. It's kind of crammed. The crates stacked in the bottom are actually going home today. I just carried my stuff in them while moving.
Yes that is Mashter Yoda on my dresser. It's Yoda as a Mr. Potato Head. Disneyland is the best.

A close up of our dresser. There is a pictue of my family, and different decor.

Here are some command hooks that are hanging my headphones and keys. Very handy.

Lastly, my new laptop. I just love it.

 So that was a look into my bedroom! When our kitchen and the rest of our apartment is unpacked I will definitelly show you!


Cacain said...

Katie it looks great!!! Awesome computer! :) Can't wait for you to do my hair! :)

Katie said...

Thanks! I love the computer :) I am excited to do your hair too!...When I have that knowledge :)