Thursday, May 17, 2012

Memories in a Box

So remember when i said I was going to go through my room and put things in a box that I wanted to be saved? Well I did it. My room is organized and clean. I will show some pictures of it.

This is the bin chuck full of so many memories. I am not going to lie, I got teary eyed when I was looking at some of my favorite things from my childhood. That sounds silly, but it was very hard for me to pack them away. Here are some of my favorite things that I am saving. Enjoy them as much as I do :)

This is a post card that I got from my dad when he was in Honduras. There are also letters from my dad while he was in Iraq in there. Those are very touching memories that I never want to lose.

These are my beanie babies. I LOVED them. In order their names are: Ty2k, Princess(I called her Amethyst after my birthstone), Prickles, and Rainbow. Rainbow looks like Pascal don't you think?

I kind of collected Barbie's, and this is my favorite one. Snow White, never been opened :)

This is a gold medal that I got during a Tae Kwon Do tournament. I have several and they remind me of how much work I put in to it and how it paid off. Also in the box are all of my Tae Kwon Do belts and broken boards from my test. I never want to forget those things.

This is a bag that my mom made for me when I was WAY little. It is a little bag that I would always put my favorite things into so I could just carry them around with me.

So now that those are said and done, I wanted to show you the after pictures of my room. My closet is organized, and everything is clean.

I have too many shoes, just ignore that. But this is them all together and organized. That will not last long. Trust me. Below is my closet. Believe me, that is organized compared to what it was before. If you look in the upper left corner you will see an old Sports drink. I found it among my old Tae Kwon Do stuff. That means that it is like 6+ years old. No I will not throw it away because it will soon be an antique.  

So yeah, that is what I have been doing for the past couple of days. I am glad that it is out of the way and I don't have to worry about any of my prized possesions getting lost. It will be fun to open that bin one day and remember all the sweet things from my past. I am so glad that they are saved :) I strongly encourage everyone else to take the time to do that as well. (And now I won't have to do it later when I get married)

Good night everyone! Sleep tight.

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