It has been kind of a crazy week so far. I have been kind of stressed because of silly little things that keep happening over and over again. And the terrible events in Boston have kind of created a dark feeling right now... Life is crazy, right??
Well recently I have decided to take a step back and just evaluate where I am at right now with my life. What am I doing that is good? What am I doing that needs to stop? Am I becoming the person that I need to be right now? I've never really taken the right amount of time to really look at myself.
I have noticed that my priorities have gotten extremely messed up. I have started the bad habit of going to bed extremely late very night, and waking up very late as well. I guess I have been completely ignoring the counsel of "early to bed early to rise." That really makes a huge difference on my mood. When I wake up late like this I am tired, a little grumpy, and sluggish. I don't want to do anything except be in bed! Thats messed up..haha
Of course, when you are in a bad mood, "everyone else" is doing everything wrong. It can't possibly be you. I have this horrible habit of complaining about what other people do and not even take a second glance at myself.
However, today I was talking to my boss about some of my concerns, and during my shift I was thinking that there are probably some concerns that people have about me. Even if they don't, I have things I need to work on. I need to stop judging. If someone is struggling at work, maybe they are just stressed. Maybe they, like me, have had a crazy week and don't feel like laughing at your stupid jokes. Come on Katie.
I am making a goal to stop judging other people for things that I don't completely understand. Life is freaking hard. Everyone lives in this messed up world. Everyone is a child of God. We all have our own struggles and trials. It is a commandment to not judge others. We need to love one another as God loves us.
This has been one of THE hardest things for me to learn and discover for myself. I need to take a step out of my own head. Get out of my little bubble. There are other people in this world. I need to love those who I may have issues with. No one is going to be perfect. Heck, i'm not perfect, so why am I judging others?
I am going to focus on getting rid of those negative thoughts. Thoughts are the hardest thing to control, but it is so important. I know I can do it. I need to make the change. And I know that I will have my Heavenly Father there to help me along :) I will be a happier person.
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